5 Ways to Spot Your TRUE Tribe


Over the years I’ve been involved with many different communities as I grew as a yoga teacher and as an entrupenor. In some, there was deep, sincere, genuine connection, and in others, it became clear that the motivation may not have been so sincere. This feeling can be heartbreaking when you have invested so much, and quite frankly, when it’s a “spiritual” community, the expectations for honesty and integrity can lead to extreme sadness when they are abandoned.

I have compiled a list of the top 5 qualities of those who I have found to be my TRUE tribe so that you too may learn to heed the warning of those who may be insincere, and fully embrace the ones who will always have your back, for they are your tribe. Keep them close, support each other, and shower them with gratitude for your connection.

Number One: They Encourage You To Grow

Your Tribe wants to see you shine! When you take risks and try something new, they are there to cheer you on and support you. There is no fear of who you are becoming, because your tribe wants you to be the best version of yourself.

Number Two: They Are There In Truth

It can be easy to hide behind niceties, and can be far more difficult to speak the truth. The truth can be raw, vulnerable and feel anxiety invoking to speak. Your Tribe will be there for you to encourage you to speak honestly about what you’re feeling and they will also BE honest in response. Know your Tribe loves you unconditionally, whatever your truth.

Number Three: They Help You Find Patience, Understanding, and Compassion

Your Tribe likely consists of many personality types and will present many different points of view, helping you to see a situation with fresh eyes. Your tribe helps you to be more gentle and compassionate with yourself and others when a mistake has been made. These are the people who patiently listen, and take the time to not only help you feel better, but take the time to help you BE better.

Number Four: You Work Together To Bring Visions and Dreams to Life

Your Tribe sees and supports your biggest visions, your wildest dreams. They may work directly with you or offer their support, but they are there to lift you to create. With the support of your Tribe, you can manifest something bigger than you ever though possible.

Number Five: Your Soul Feels Nourished in Their Presence

We all know the people who leave us feeling drained, but your Tribe leaves you feeling full and nourished. In the presence of your Tribe you come alive! The unconditional love and support together with truthful and honest communication is a recipe for flourishing. When you spend time with your Tribe, you can’t help but feel your heart swell with happiness and your body fully at ease.

If you’ve found your Tribe, take a big breath in full of gratitude and love them with all you’ve got. If you haven’t found your Tribe, do not fear. All comes when the time is right. You do not have to seek, simply start doing the things you love to do. Spend time engaging in what you love and enjoying the richness of life. I have found that when I stop seeking life often gently places what I seek at my feet.


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