Experience the Journey

This Is No Ordinary Vacation

I know the significance of your decision to spend time and money on a retreat.

Understanding and respecting this commitment, I pledge my commitment to you, honoring the gift you are giving yourself.

After years of retreat experience, I have learned what matters the most and take pride in offering custom adventures with consciously crafted itineraries that take you beyond an ordinary vacation and into an immersive travel adventure.

Hand Picked Destinations

Each destination is handpicked, and each location carefully chosen to offer the best experience possible. It may be an exclusive, luxury boutique hotel, a tent in the wilderness or even a monastery, wherever it is, it has been consciously chosen to enhance your retreat experience.

Custom Curated Itineraries

Each itinerary is filled with attention to all of the details. From immersive experiences that offer the best of each location, local food, and connection with people, to the attention to the way in which each day begins and ends, we offer a thoughtfully planned, deep dive into the journey with all of the details cared for. Each itinerary is consciously crafted to maximize your adventure, offering you an authentic, real retreat experience so that you can show up and know that the details have already been taken care of.

Unique Classes and Workshops to Support the Adventure

The experience of your adventure is deepened by the creation of classes and workshops specific to not only the overall itinerary, but each day. Expect classes and workshops that support every part of the journey- the physical, emotional and spiritual.

Good Old Fashioned Fun

Yes, I encourage deep introspection and growth, and one way I have found to get there quickly is through play! Whether we are frolicking in the woods, exploring a local market or playing soccer with Monks, you can expect lots of lighthearted fun on retreat!

Meeting You Where You Are

Sometimes you just need a little quiet space and sometimes the joyful soul connections of retreat friends. I get it. I honor and respect that each experience is different. Where you are at this time in your life and what you need on any given day is unique to you. I understand and offer my full support witnessing and supporting your experience.