The Power of a Women’s Retreat: The Top 5 Reason You Need One Now


Growing up an only child, I never imagined that spending a week with a group would feel refreshing. I was very content with lots of quiet, alone time. But, the power of coming together with a group of women is strong. I emerge from women’s retreats not only refreshed, but something cracks open in me. Every. Single. Time. I open to a new space of vulnerability and find genuine connection. Women’s retreats are empowering and powerful work, and one of the most amazing aspects to me, is that it can all happen in the guise of play. It doesn't have to be so hard.

So, what is it that’s so magical about these retreats and just what’s in it for you? Glad you asked. I’m going to share the top 5 reasons you need a women’s retreat now!

Number One: Push Your Boundaries

It can be intimidating to sign up for a retreat when you don’t know anyone else or the retreat takes you someplace you’ve never been, or has activities that might feel like a physical challenge. These are natural, and understandable fears and much can be learned by observing these reactions. If you never step outside of what feels comfortable, you will rarely experience anything new, and certainly never grow. Most often women stay in the inner circle of comfort out of fear of judgement and self doubt. The act of stepping outside of your comfort zone is incredibly empowering. Suddenly, when you decide to push your boundaries, and step outside of your comfort zone, you begin to expand your potential and gain undeniable courage. This is a radical act of empowerment that creates an inner confidence that becomes an outer glow. Suddenly you see, by pushing your boundaries, how strong, capable, and badass you really are.

Number Two: Do What You Love

How often do you go through the daily grind, making your needs and desires lowest on the priority list? It happens. This is an opportunity to set it all aside and take some seriously deserved “me time”. Maybe your idea of the ultimate getaway is immersed in nature, or maybe you love a spa, whatever it is, do it! This is the time for you to create the space to do what you love. Doing what you love is energizing (even if what you love to do is relaxing!) and by simply engaging in doing things you love, you create a positive feedback loop that fuels creativity. So if you’ve been in need of a boost, this is your opportunity to turn the tides.

Number Three: Be Authentically You

It sounds so cliche, but this one is huge. Through advertising and media, we often find ourselves longing to be something other than what we are. Shorter, taller, skinnier, curvier, lighter, darker….whatever is in at the moment, we are being sold. I have a not so secret, secret for you though. There is literally nothing more beautiful and more sexy than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. This doesn't come easily, and for most woman, it is a struggle. This is why women’s retreats are so powerful. We all show up and realize, “oh my god, this woman who I see as so perfect, actually feels just like me”. When a safe space is created to be authentically you, an unmatched feeling of liberation creates a whole new world for the unique you to shine.

Number Four: Genuine Connection

For many women who have grown up in the recent generations, we take great pride in being self sufficient. We often manage entire households, juggling multiple roles all on our own. When I travel, I see just how different this is from so many other societies, where ways of the past still persist. I often encounter a sense of community where women come together and no one is left to do it all by herself. It makes me reflect on what things must have looked like in the past, before we all got too busy. What I have realized is that so much of community is built into our beings, into our DNA, but over a short period of time, we have, as a society, made a great shift, and lost so much of the connection that was. On retreat, it’s like returning home. There is a natural coming together and bonding that occurs as women come together in sisterhood. We naturally find that although our stories may differ, we are all just looking to let go of fears and insecurities. We are in essence all simply looking to be happy and feel a sense of self worth. Through the connections you make on a women’s retreat, lasting friendships are a reminder that you are never in this alone.

Number Five: Bring Playfulness into Life

Life gets so busy very quickly. The daily grind of work and keeping up with everything can lead to a loss of playfulness, and losing playfulness can lead to a loss of curiosity. I recently heard someone say that to recall our truest nature, think back to what you were doing when you were about 6-8 years old. What were you playing and doing? What did you dream of becoming? This is roughly the age that we remained free from the many self doubts and pressures of societal norms. Once self doubt and insecurity begin to take up headspace, the act of play changes. Women’s retreats are the perfect opportunity to rekindle the feeling of unapologetic play and return to the space that was once natural. Play fosters empathy, compassion and trust, creating lasting joy. Laughter is truly the best medicine, even after the giggling is done, the inner joy remains.

Looking for a women’s retreat? In addition to leading retreats, I offer collaborations to create truly unique offerings. Message me if you have a place your dreaming of or want to work together to offer a once in a lifetime offering for your sister circle!


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